Семьдесят девятый помет «C» 10.08.2022
Phoebe ZaraFold of Safinland SFS ns 11 | Magic Mike Murrius of Safinland SCS ns 11 |
Кличка Nimi Name | Пол Sugu Sex | Порода Tõug Breed | Окрас Värv Color | Котенок Kassipoeg Kitten | Взрослое животное Täiskasvanud kass Adult cat |
Captain Simon for Safinland | Кот Isane Male | SCS Scottish Straight | ns 11 Black silver shaded | ||
Celesta Roxy for Safinland | Кошка Emane Female | SCS Scottish Straight | ns 11 33 Black silver shaded color-point | ||
Cinderella III Safinland | Кошка Emane Female | SCS Scottish Straight | ns 11 Black silver shaded | ||
Cha-Cha-Cha for Safinland | Кошка Emane Female | SFS Scottish Fold | ns 11 33 Black silver shaded color-point | ||
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