О коте Уно Моменто

Uno Momento Silver Safinland Рожден в нашем питомнике! Порода/Tõug/Breed: Scottish Fold (SFS) Окрас/Värv/Color: Черный серебристый мраморный биколор
Дата рождения/Sünniaeg/Date of birth: 06.04.2017 Отец/Isa/Sire: WCH Angel Ins's Yaroslav (SFL ns 03) Мать/Ema/Dam: Jewel Silver Safinland (SCS ns 11) Носитель ДШ гена Заводчик/Kasvataja/Breeder: Jana Kuzmina Владельцы/Omanikud/Owners: Jana Kuzmina & Alina Petrova Тесты/Testid/Tests: FIV, FeLV, PKD - NEGATIVE Группа крови/Veregrupp/Blood group: A |
Uno Momento, kelle nimi hispaania keelest tõlkides tähendab "üks hetk", sai selle kahel põhjusel: esiteks, ta sündis kiiresti, ja teiseks, ta on ainus laps pesakonnas. Ema Jewel õpetas Unole kõik kassi tarkused ning just sellepärast on temast kasvanud kombekas arukas poiss oma naljakate harjumuste ja eripäradega. Kui nüüd rääkida poisikese tõuomadustest, siis on hästi ümar nägu, lai nina, ilusad silmad ja suurepärane pikk paindlik saba. Tema pea on nagu pall ning just sellepärast meenutab ta mulle lumememme. Tahaksin tänada Uno isa omanikku Larissa Põlinskajat ning ka tema kasvatajat Oksana Korevat, et nad andsid sellele paaritusele loa. Ma teadsin kindlalt, et tulemus rõõmustab mind. Aitäh minu toredale ja tähelepanelikule kaasomanikule Maarja Lehemetsale, et kasvatas ja hoolitses Uno eest kõige olulisemal perioodil tema elus.
Uno Momento, whose name means "one moment" in Spanish, received it for two reasons: firstly, he was born quickly, and secondly, he is the only child in the litter. Mother Jewel taught Uno all feline wisdoms and that's why he grown up a smart intelligent boy with his funny habits and peculiarities. If we talk about the breed qualities of the kid, he has a very round face, a wide nose, beautiful eyes and a gorgerous long flexible tail. His head looks like a ball and that's why he reminds me of a snowman. I want to thank the owner of the Uno's father Larissa Pylinskaja, as well as his breeder Oksana Koreva for approving this mating. I knew for sure that the result would please me. Thanks to my sensitive and attentive co-owner Maarja Lehemets for raising and caring for Uno in the most important period of his life.